The Queen Mary, The Haunted Old Ship

Saturday, November 3, 2012 0

The Queen Mary is an old boat suudah not sailed since 1967, the ship was docked at the port, and change the function of a region hotel long beach, California, USA. Since the first, the ship had indeed been known to be haunted. The Queen Mary is a pretty Luxury boats and famous in his time.

Crew often see ghosts around the engine room. Previously, there was a sailor who was 17 years old and died when it suffered engine room fire. He was locked up alone and asked for help before the fire burn his body. Many people who have heard and recorded a knock and blow the pipes around the door.

The Queen Mary
At the front desk area of ​​the hotel, visitors often see the ghost of a woman dressed in white. This is supposedly the ghost of a teenage girl who had an accident and broke his neck the pond. Ghosts are often asked her mother and her dolls. Just imagine if you are swimming alone in there, definitely very eerie and creepy is not it?? In addition, there are also ghosts of children who reportedly appeared pond pool vessels.

In the hall where the pool house is also often appear strange things. Furniture, for example, often move itself. Sometimes visitors felt something touch her hand. Meanwhile, in the boat barn occasionally sounded like screams in pain. It is said that these moans screams coming from sailors were killed when the Queen Mary rammed a small boat on a voyage.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5

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