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The Queen Mary, The Haunted Old Ship

Saturday, November 3, 2012 0

The Queen Mary is an old boat suudah not sailed since 1967, the ship was docked at the port, and change the function of a region hotel long beach, California, USA. Since the first, the ship had indeed been known to be haunted. The Queen Mary is a pretty Luxury boats and famous in his time.

Crew often see ghosts around the engine room. Previously, there was a sailor who was 17 years old and died when it suffered engine room fire. He was locked up alone and asked for help before the fire burn his body. Many people who have heard and recorded a knock and blow the pipes around the door.

The Queen Mary
At the front desk area of ​​the hotel, visitors often see the ghost of a woman dressed in white. This is supposedly the ghost of a teenage girl who had an accident and broke his neck the pond. Ghosts are often asked her mother and her dolls. Just imagine if you are swimming alone in there, definitely very eerie and creepy is not it?? In addition, there are also ghosts of children who reportedly appeared pond pool vessels.

In the hall where the pool house is also often appear strange things. Furniture, for example, often move itself. Sometimes visitors felt something touch her hand. Meanwhile, in the boat barn occasionally sounded like screams in pain. It is said that these moans screams coming from sailors were killed when the Queen Mary rammed a small boat on a voyage.

Tukar Link Buat Sesama Blogger

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5

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Mystery Ghost Catacombs "Catacombs" Paris, France

Saturday, October 20, 2012 0

The charm of Paris is always tempting. Each year, the city was visited and inhabited by many people, so the land becomes very necessary. This is certainly a lucrative business opportunity at that time.

Hence, the engineers and city planners decided to move the graves, dug in secret and then put the bones along the hallway walls were cold and dark city under City Of Light. The remains of the bodies are still there today, in the eternal darkness, something kingdom of the dead.

Development began since katakombe Roman reign was followed by the construction of improvements by the Gaul and France (Gaul is called classical European ones are identical to the French, Belgium, Switzerland and northern Italy).

This is where the bodies were collected under a bustling Paris. This area is called "Empire Of The Dead". Every year, tourists visited the area. If you would like to visit this place you do not forget the accompanying guidance tour and should be done together.

There are some restrictions that should not be made during the trip. If not careful, you could be lost forever in the location underground. Whether because of the labyrinth, middle as well as disturbed and misled by a curious spirit there.

During the tour, visitors are prohibited joking and playing around. Therefore, it is feared something that we wish upon them. According to them, during the tour of the region that still contained piles Catacombs skulls, they often have strange and bizarre events.

There are some visitors who account for the appearance of a shadow at one area Catacombs. When they walked in the hallway, wandering spirits follow them without a sound. Many also photograph showing the existence of ghosts and strange light suddenly, and prerecorded voices along the hallway like a rabbit hole.

Graves Greyfiar Firk, Haunted Cemetery Complex

Thursday, October 18, 2012 0

This cemetery is the burial assessed the HAUNTED in the world. Local people often feel the air is very cold, with a very foul odor when passing through the region. At night often heard shouting from inside the complex, and often heard pieces of glassware items. The houses around the cemetery was also allegedly inhabited by ghosts. The residents often feel haunted by terrifying apparitions.

The most famous is a dungeon that is a grave George McKenzie, an officer convicted of slander. Before being killed, Mc Kienze severely tortured. Before dying, he had vowed to take revenge. Allegedly soul is often seen at home around the complex.

As with the other haunted, this place is always inviting the interest of visitors. Every year, many tourists who traveled there. They can only come to a supervisor tour and can not take one picture of the region.

No one knows the reason for the regulations imposed .................

Plain Magh Sleacht County Cavan, Ireland


Formerly, plain Magh sleacth a place of worship a god by the local community. Deity named Crom Cruach. And the most horrible is offering a special ceremony conducted by sacrificing one of the three children held later exchanged for milk, meat and other basic necessities.

To this day the local people often smell the stench of burning flesh and blood along plains. In fact, not a few have ever witnessed at sunset will appear mengintari shadow plains.

Misteri Hantu Penghuni Colosium, Roma

Saturday, September 15, 2012 0

Collosium Roma Italia melambangkan segala sesuatu yang agung bagi warga Roma pada masa-masa. Para gladiator berkelahi sampai mati untuk menghibur kaisar dan para penonton yang memenuhi stadion tersebut. Mereka sangat menikmati hiburan saling membantai semacam ini. Selain itu, ribuan tahanan perang dan korban akibat perang masalah keagamaan menemuhi ajal di mulut singan dan macan di Arena yang berpasir di dalam Colosium. Selain membantai manusia, pada masa itu, puluhan ribu binatang juga dibunuh hingga beberapa di antaranya punah demi memuaskan nafsu berdarah dan sadis dari orang-orang Romawi tersebut.
Kini, kawasan itu dibuka sebagai tempat wisata. Para pemandu dan pengunjung sering kali melaporkan adanya aura-aura yag tidak baik. Ada tempat tertentu yang terasa dingin dan aneh. Mereka juga merasa disentuh atau didorong oleh sesuatu Yang mereka tidak tau. Mereka mendengar pula bisikan-bisikan dengan kalimat tidak jelas.
Para penjaga Colosium mengatakan bahwa mereka sering kali mendengar suara pedang saling berbenturan dan suara tangisan dari jauh. Adapun yang paling menyeramkan adalah suara aneh dari binatang-binatang seperti aungan singa dan Gajah.
Banyak orang juga yang pernah melihat hantu-hantu penghuni Colosium terlihat duduk di bangku pengunjung. Sering pula ada penampakan tentara Romawi sedang berjaga.
Kejaadian itu sering terlihat pada malam hari.

9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

Misteri Istana Dracula Transylvania, Romania

Thursday, September 6, 2012 0

Istana Dracula

Istana ini dikenal sebagai markas tempat Kaisar Vlad Dracula tinggal saat ia berperang melawan Turki. Ketika di kepung oleh pasukan Turki, ia berusaha kabur sambil membawa anaknya. Dracula di kabarkan kabur melalui terowongan dan menghilang ke pegunungan.
Anaknya yang masih muda diikat disisi kudanya, tapi ia terjatuh dari kuda dan ditinggalkan begitu saja hingga ia mati . Isterinya bahkan tidak berusaha untuk melarikan diri. Ia bunuh diri dengan meloncat dari sebuah jendela menara. Pangeran Rumania, anak kaisar Vlad yang meninggal itu, di duga menjadi dracula yang menghisap darah manusia.
Di Istana tersebut,Vlad dracula sering kali merajam dan menyiksa orang-orang Turki. Ia terkenal sangat sadis. Ia pernah meng-Impale massal orang-orang turki. Ia juga dikenal dengan julukan Vlad the Impaler karena banyaknya siksaan, tempat ini menjadi salah satu kawasan yang berhantu.
Sejak abad ke-14, kota ini terkenal dengan sejarah Vampir. Transylvania juga diyakini sebagai lahirnya dunia kegelapan. Kota yang terletak di bagian barat Romania itu menjadi sarang para Dracula. Istana tersebut terletak sekitar 20 mil dari kota Brasov, yang dikelilingi oleh gunug Bucegi.
Daerah ini berada sangat jauh dari jalan besar dan harus menembus gunung Bucegi. Hingga tahun 1974, tempat itu masih saja terpencil.
Tempat inilah yang menginspirasi novelis Irlandia, Bram Stoker, untuk menulis novelnya yang berjudul Dracula.
9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

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